A respect for our history

Sun-In-Home authentically mimics the mood and color of natural light in its progression from dawn through midday, and then on to dusk. Created by CEO Mr. Si Chung Noh, Feelux's Sun-in-Home system brings feelings of well being into any environment just by flipping a switch. Capture the best moments of the day, moments when you feel your most energetic, productive, peaceful or contemplative. Environments Have Different Personalities Where Moods Shift with the Details!

No detail is more important than the light that floods the spaces where we spend so much of our time. Being indoors shouldn't rule out the possibility of enjoying beautiful, natural light. Imagine capturing how you feel at sunrise, as if anything were possible for the new day. Those extra office hours would be almost tolerable with bright daylight streaming into the window. Wouldn't your business sales soar if your boutique was bathed in warm, comforting light? Need an energy boost when you have to " burn the midnight oil" ?